Friday, April 13, 2012

Similarities, Differences, and Judgements

I hope that this blog has helped you learn a little more about me and my work. Please let me know what you think.


  1. Amy Beach, I find your work fascinating. I especially liked your first artifact, "The Years at the Spring." I was very impressed with the song itself, and you delivered it beautifully. I also liked all of your other works. As a writer, I was amazed at the emotion and meaning in your piece "Romance."

  2. My goodness what lovely music! I really loved your second artifact! I can really see why it was one of your greatest achievements! I see you have written concertos for many different instruments, I usually stick to what I know best which is clarinet. I have composed chamber music and operas as well though. I find your compositions very beautiful.

  3. Wow, just beautiful work Ms. Beach! I loved your first artifact, it really reminded me of myself a few years back. Oh dear, how I miss it. But, Im not complaining. If only I knew you a few years ago, maybe you could have composed a piece or two for me. You see I am a famous opera singer from Sweden. I am known as the "Swedish Nightingale" because of my beautiful voice.

  4. Ms. Beach,
    You are an amazing composer! I just felt like getting up and dancing. Your first artifact was absolutely amazing. We are both performers and love to please crowds. I hope to meet you soon.
    -Fanny Elssler

  5. Hello Ms. Beach,
    I really admire how our similar our struggles were to be successful. Although we live in a man's world we both excelled past what was expected of us.
    Among our similarities we also have our differences in roots, where we were from. I was raised in Europe, while you established yourself in America.

  6. Ms.Peach Oh Ms.Amy Beach! I admire you so! Your music is beautiful every piece that I heard inspired me so! Of course right off the back we share similarities! Like how we are both so passionatley involved in music! You compose and I have composed as well!

    Differences there were few and I love that! For instance, you compose and I sing, I compose as well but I'm known for my amazing voice.

    For judgements, I say, your amazing and truley pasionatley care for the music you make. I truely love your work. I'd love to chat more!

  7. Wow! Amy Beach your work is simply surpurb! I might even call it très magnifique! We seem to be very similar in many ways and very diffrent in others. We are similar because we both went to school for music. Unlike you I started in music then I became an actress. We are also similar because we both had great supportive mentors to look up to. I had Etienne Choron and Pagnon Saint Aulaire and you had your mother and husband. We are diffrent because you began your carrear at six and I didnt start to do anything until I was thirteen. Also we are similar because we both did not get payed much for our art because we are woman. In conclusion I believe you are amazing at what you do as am I.

  8. Thank you all for replying to this message. I look forward to chatting with you all again.
