Friday, April 6, 2012

Henniker and Boston

Pictured above is a bridge from the town where I was born: Henniker, New Hampshire. I lived in that town on a small farm for the first few years of my life.
Below is a picture of Boston during the 1880s (around the time I first moved there). It was a great place for musicians to live because people there tended to be more readily accepting than in other cities during that time. That may've had something to do with the fact that the laws regarding alcohol consumption were particularly strict there and alcohol tends to influence your ability to make decisions including how to behave towards people who are different (such as intellects and musicians who weren't as common back then). Because of the fact that people there were so accepting of different types of people, I ended up staying in Boston for most of the time I spent composing my music. 

 This is a picture of the actual house I resided in for a significant amount of the time I was in Boston. I lived here from 1885 to 1910 to be exact (see the picture below). Currently, there is a plaque on the side of the house marking it as my old home and acknowleging my achievements in the musical world.

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